The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

Perhaps it might be interesting to publish in The Structural Engineer the following further facts relating to a point touched upon in my paper on the Plougastel Bridge, facts which were not available when I replied to the discussion.

The Structural Engineer

The Chairman, Mr. GOWER PIMM, said that he was sure that members had been deeply interested in Mr. Owens' paper. He (the chairman) had considerable experience in the use of reinforced concrete pile foundations, and was therefore able to appreciate the conditions which led up to the use of them in this instance.

The Structural Engineer

A LARGE and relatively new warehouse building with a framework of reinforced concrete was considerably damaged by a fire which occurred in Herkulesgatan in Stockholm on the 25th and 26th of June, 1929. The Swedish Concrete Institute has had an investigation carried out in order to obtain an impartial decision as to the technical nature of the damage and to find why it was so extensive. Ragnar Schlyter

The Structural Engineer

THE object of this short paper is to set forth for the purpose of discussion, the assumptions made and the procedure followed in order to solve the problem of the erection of this type of structure on a site such as is described hereafter. J. Owens

The Structural Engineer

A SPECIAL meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers was held at 10, Upper Belgrave Street, London, S.W.1, on Thursday, May 7th, 1931, at 6.30 p.m., when the subject of “The Practical Design of Steel Compression Members” was discussed. Mr. R. H. Harry Stanger, F.C.S., A.M.Inst.C.E. (President of the Institution) was in the chair.

The Structural Engineer

The importance of close co-operation between the Architect and the Structural Engineer cannot be over-emphasised, as only in this way can the maximum economy of construction and adequate artistic expression be attained. S. Willis

The Structural Engineer

The Adjudicators of the Dorman Long Travelling Scholarship had an extremely candidate difficult task in deciding the awards this year as the general standard of the entries was a very high one. Thirty-seven candidates took part in the Competition, the first half of which was held on June 20th, at ten different centres in Great Britain, namely, London, Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-on-Tyne,Swansea and Middlesbrough.