The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer
The Structural Engineer
The Structural Engineer
The Structural Engineer

'They all want to be Brunel', Fig 1, a wonderful quote that summarises the findings of the Institution's recent Membership Survey. But of course, they can't. Self evidently:

  • We are living in a different era (we have already built the Eiffel Tower and the Forth Bridge).
  • One-offs are just that - slavish imitation simply results in a string of lesser copies. Think of any sphere of human endeavour - painting, musical composition, sporting prowess - and it is the originals, the unconventional, unexpected and often unexplainable that catch the attention and linger in the memory.
  • We all have our own different mix of talents that should be recognised, nurtured, exploited, rewarded and celebrated rather than constrained to match some preconceived pattern.
  • Professor David A. Nethercot OBE, FREng, BSc(Eng), PhD, DSc, CEng,
    FIStructE, FICE, FCGI

    The Structural Engineer
    The Structural Engineer
    The Structural Engineer