The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

My interest in engineering history started when I was first exposed to Britain’s canals in the late 1940s. It was heightened by getting to know Skem (the late Professor Sir Alec Skempton) 10 years later and being drawn by him, at first reluctantly, into the Newcomen Society. ‘But they are only interested in steam engines’ I protested. He snapped back ‘If people like you don’t join they will go on only being interested in steam engines’. Skem could be quite fierce. I joined and found a nucleus of members, led by him and Dr. S. B. Hamilton, who were fascinated by the history of civil and structural engineering. Until Lawrance Hurst asked me to give a talk on my life as a consulting engineer I had not really thought of it as history. I demurred but finally agreed to discuss practice and research in the ‘sixties’, that is from 1955 to 1975, albeit from a very personal angle. That period was just far enough away to seem like history and in many ways it was more interesting than the years, which followed. R. J. M. Sutherland, FREng, BA, FICE, FIStructE

The Structural Engineer

Findings from a number of recent research investigations into the interaction between the strength, stiffness and rotation capacity of composite beam-to-column joints and the overall performance of non-sway composite frames are collected together. The main design implications are extracted and combined into a complete procedure for the design of the frame using the principles of semi-continuous construction for both the ultimate and the serviceability limit states. A complementary design procedure for the joints is also provided. Explicit formulae to cover each aspect of the step-by-step procedures are given. Illustrative results are presented and suggestions made for the most cost-effective design choices. D. A. Nethercot, FREng, PhD, DSc, CEng, FIStructE, FICE, FCGI, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine

The Structural Engineer
The Structural Engineer
The Structural Engineer
The Structural Engineer