The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

In the August number of The Structural Engineer a full discussion was published of the principles underlying the Mechanical Solution of Statically Indeterminate Structures, together with the description and operation of Professor Beggs’ Deformeter Apparatus. H.W. Coultas and V.H. Lawton

The Structural Engineer

Foreword.-The Committee desire to state that in preparing this Tentative Specification they have given consideration to very many points which for various reasons are not embodied therein. In particular, the inclusion of manufacturing by sintering and the addition of gypsum during grinding were matters which were very carefully reviewed. There was, however, no evidence before the Committee that it was the practice of any manufacturers in this Country at the present time to produce high alumina cement by sintering, or to add gypsum during grinding, and it was considered undesirable to legislate for material not in accordance with present day manufacturing practice. Sectional Committee on Concrete