The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Browse the content of Issue 1 (January 2001) of The Structural Engineer.

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

This paper describes a study of tunnelling-induced settlement damage to masonry buildings, using a numerical model, in which interaction is included. 2-dimensional finite elements (FEs) are used with non-linear material models for the soil and for a masonry façade.

Publish Date – 2 January 2001

The Structural Engineer

Readers respond to a paper on the Tate Modern project, presented at a meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers on 23 March 2000 and published in The Structural Engineer in Volume 78, no. 4, 15 February 2000.

Publish Date – 2 January 2001

The Structural Engineer

A.N. Fried examines the effect shifts in the neutral axis have on wall-resisting moments and makes recommendations on how it could be included in the design process.

Publish Date – 2 January 2001

The Structural Engineer

This issue's letters cover BS 8666, computer storage requirements, graduate training and much more.

Publish Date – 2 January 2001