The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The first section of this paper reviews the historical development of platform foundations in the North Sea and the various methods of incorporating the foundations into the structural platform analysis. The second section concerns some of the more recent or unusual foundation concepts, including suction can foundations, compound gravity/jackup plutjiorms, and the semi-permanent use ofjackups. The third section considers the developments needed to ensure that efective foundation solutions can be obtained worldwide, in a range of soil conditions and in deep water and highlights some of the geotechnical challenges associated with such developments. The final section discusses the importance of current changes in offshore Code requirements and their applicability - or otherwise - to current field development areas. T.R. Aldridge

The Structural Engineer

This paper briefly reviews the evolution of bottom-supported fixed North Sea structures over the last 30 years and provides historical data for future trends. Given the relatively short timespan, the development of North Sea platforms and their supporting structures has been quite remarkable, with major benefits to the United Kingdom of self-sufliciency in oil and gas, large tax revenues to the Exchequel; and employment for 10s of 1000s of people. W.G. Laver

The Structural Engineer

Over the last decade, the quest for hydrocarbons has progressed in the face of low oil and gas prices, on the one hand, and increasingly difficult physical conditions on the other. These influences have increased industry focus on enhanced oil recovery from producing fields and given impetus to the development and implementation of new technology and new forms of cooperation between oil companies and contractors. R.O. Snell, O.T. Gudmestad and J.W. Bunce