The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Mr S. B. Desai (F) (Department of the Environment) As a member of the Institution, I would like to thank Professor Regan for his paper and, particularly, for his presentation. I believe that Professor Regan is one of the principal contributors to the background research and thinking behind the modern reinforced concrete shear design rules in the UK. My first impression on reading his paper was that he was not in favour of any further research in this field. It felt as if he invented a ball-game and now wishes to take the ball away and says: ‘There will be no game any more!’. I am glad that this is not the case!

The Structural Engineer

An engineering approach was used to develop the concept design of the new Kansai International Airport Terminal Building. The architecture and engineering were developed together to enhance the efficiency and comfort of the building for the user. The paper describes the development of the design of the terminal building from the competition concept to detailed design. Philip Dilley

The Structural Engineer

The 1994 Presidential Tour was to Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and the USA. This report describes the main features of the tour, reports on meetings and gives some opinions for Institution policy and follow up. A number of meetings and contacts were made in the USA leading to an understanding of the method of professional engineering registration and other aspects, including the recognition of qualifications, all matters that need to be considered by the Institution in developing its international role. Dr H.P.J. Taylor

The Structural Engineer

Patrick Dowling will succeed Howard Taylor as President of the Institution 1994-95 at an Ordinary Meeting at Institution headquarters on 6 October 1994. The handover will be at 6 p.m. when the new President will give his Presidential Address ‘Communication or isolation?’, the full text of which will be published in The Structural Engineer in November.

The Structural Engineer

This paper describes the events leading to the award of the contract to supply and deliver the highly complex tubular-steel wing structure of the passenger terminal building at Kansai International Airport in Osaka, Japan, and the subsequent manufacture and shipment. J. Locke

The Structural Engineer

Wind flow around tall buildings We also publish from Graham Stark’s letter some thoughts stimulated, as he tells us, by having had to ‘wait, rain-soaked, at a windy bus shelter at Waterloo’. Verulam