The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Penetrations are commonly placed in the webs of steel beams (or steel joists for composite beams) to permit the passage of building services. Experimental investigations indicate that the differential deflection across a web penetration can be significant and that local yielding commences around the penetrations even at working loads. In Australia, neither the steel structures Code (AS 4100) nor the composite construction Code (AS2327) gives specific recommendations with regard to design for penetrations. This paper provides designers with a simplified, and yet rational, method to determine the elastic deflection of steel and composite beams with web penetrations. P.H. Dayawansa

The Structural Engineer

Some months ago I gave a talk in which I concluded that very few can name a famous accountant but many people can name a famous engineer or two. Afterwards, a chartered accountant in the audience said he sympathised with most of my talk - however, you engineers have only yourselves to blame! I concluded that he meant we do not project ourselves or our profession highly or often enough, or that we are divisive. C.P. Pountney

The Structural Engineer

The semi-analytical finite strip method of analysis is used to study the local buckling of composite box sections in negative bending consisting of a concrete deck connected to a steel trough. Design charts are produced to determine the local buckling coefficient for the web. It is then shown how this local buckling coefficient may be used to calculate the web width-to-thickness ratio that delineates the boundary between the section classifcations of semi-compact and slender. The method is illustrated by an example. M.A. Bradford and T.C. Wong

The Structural Engineer

Mr Immediate Past President, ladies and gentlemen: on this, the first Ordinary Meeting of your Institution at which I have the honour to serve as your President, I desire, firstly, to thank you for the honour you have given me in making me, for 1 year, your President, and secondly to say how sensible I am of my inadequacy to fulfil the duties that devolve on me. However, I promise you I shall do my best to serve and shall appreciate all the help that is available from every quarter. J.A. Waller

The Structural Engineer

The purpose of this feature is to encourage the use of the first parts of Eurocodes 2 and 3, for the design of concrete structures and steel structures, respectively, during their initial validity of 3 years. J.F.A. Moore