The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Dr. T. M. Roberts (M) (School of Engineering, University of Wales College of Cardiff) Professor Dougherty has presented an interesting paper on the flexural-torsional buckling of doubly symmetric, laterally unrestrained beams subjected to combined uniformly distributed and concentrated gravity loading. However, the validity of the results presented is questionable, due to the neglect of a number of important parameters, such as the warping rigidity of the section, the height of load application above the shear centre, and, to a lesser extent, the influence of prebuckling displacements.

The Structural Engineer

The line of thrust has been popular in describing the stability of masonry structures since Hooke first described it. Many methods of computation have been developed which allow the derivation of a line of thrust for a particular set of loads on a structure. Most of these are flawed in that they neglect the many aspects of the problem which are not defined. W.J. Harvey

The Structural Engineer

This paper describes the process by which Flyover House, 1960s office block, was changed into Vantage West, an office building satisfying current institutional requirements. A review of some of the more unusual features of the design is included. P.F. Winfield and S.J. Harvey