The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

The Chairman I note from the paper that the ‘dual design’ programme was a temporary measure involving about 10 bridges. Were there additional factors leading to this dual design initiative, and do you have further reasons why the programme should be continued on a more permanent basis?

The Structural Engineer

At this time I am very conscious not only of the great honour bestowed on me by the Institution but also of the nature of the tasks that lie ahead during my period of office as your President. I take over at a time when the construction industry is anything but buoyant and thus the problems multiply and the challenges grow apparently sterner. However, this makes it especially opportune now to look ahead and plan for the future; I am still able to look forward with pleasure to the year ahead and to the support and friendship which can be relied on from the membership of this Institution. Professor A.R. Cusens

The Structural Engineer

Bill Curtin at 70 is still as youthful, vigorous, and impatient, as when I first met him 30 years ago. He still spills over with enthusiasm. G. Shaw