The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

This paper documents a field bolt-testing programme using ultrasonic methods. Test procedures are described and results tabulated for field observation of 1 in A490 and 1 1/4 in A490 bolts installed in oversize and standard holes. The effect on bolt pre-tension of placing 5/16in-thick hardened washers under the bolt head and nut of 1 1/4 in A490 bolts in oversize holes was the prime goal of the testing programme. J.S. Notch

The Structural Engineer

Mr D. Dennington (F)(Bullen & Partners): I would like to compliment the authors on their paper and give the meeting some relevant information about another type of transfer station recently completed to handle London's refuse.

The Structural Engineer

R&D strategy-a Construction Research Board The formation of a permanent Construction Research Board is strongly recommended in a recent report to the Building & Civil Engineering EDCs. The report is of great importance to structural engineers. It identifies why a research strategy is required and what should be its tasks. Basically, the CRB should: -develop the coordination of construction R&D -increase industry participation and interest in R&D -raise additional funds for R&D -periodically determine R&D needs and priorities -ensure maintenance of national R&D capabilities -improve technology transfer substantially S.B. Tietz

The Structural Engineer

Joints in steel frames This month we start with a contribution from Mr Denis Wall writing from the Building Control Section of the Dublin Corporation: It is only rarely, nowadays, that one sees cap plates at the knee joints of portal frames. This is probably why the aspect shown in Fig 1 of the design of knee joints in pitched roof portal frames seems to be ignored in design, although it can have an important effect, particularly when the pitch is steep. Verulam