The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Mr C. Tucker (M) (British Railways Board): I would like to contribute two points, one of which is a little out of order in that it is an extension on the scope of the paper, but nonetheless is most relevant and features somewhat novel engineering.

The Structural Engineer

Mr R. J. M. Sutherland (F) (Harris & Sutherland): First, I would like to congratulate the authors not only on a very interesting paper but on applying more advanced techniques in masonry construction to one building than I have ever seen before.

The Structural Engineer

The purpose of these reports is to provide those who failed the examinations, and indeed those who have not yet taken them, with some background information on the pitfalls or omissions that were apparent to the markers.

The Structural Engineer

With the development of articulated metal structures during the 19th century and the recognition of statical-indeterminacy, an era of intense interest in labour-saving extremum principles emerged. Outstanding among those principles is that of ‘least work’. It was discovered independently, principally by Menabrea, Castigliano, and Fränkel. This paper is concerned with the conceptual contrasts of their work, as being highly instructive. Interesting personal relationships are necessarily included with Cremona’s judgment of Menabreand Castigliano following their notorious dispute within the Academy of the ‘Lincei’. T.M. Charlton

The Structural Engineer

I am very much aware of the honour the Institution has done me in electing me as its 63rd President. I appreciate it more than I can say and, in return, pledge my unstinted efforts on behalf of the Institution during the coming year. A.C. Paterson

The Structural Engineer

Micros and structural engineers This month we have two letters dealing with the use of microcomputers in structural engineering to fan the spark originally struck by Mr B. C. Bird in our April column. Mr Peter Carr has written from St Albans on the availability of computer programs. Verulam