The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Mr L. Clements (F) (Scottish Development Department): Mr President, first of all, I must congratulate the authors on presenting a very informative paper. One thing not mentioned by the authors is that the bridge won a Constrado award last year as one of the most interesting steel bridges recently completed. We in Scotland were, of course, very pleased that our bridge was so recognised.

The Structural Engineer

Mr E. H. F. Taylor (F): I should like to congratulate Dr. Mann on an excellent paper which won the Lancashire and Cheshire Branch Prize and also the Institution’s Sir Arnold Waters Medal.

The Structural Engineer

Mr J.B. Boden (Building Research Establishment): The procedures outlined by the authors of this paper are largely empirical. This is, of course, a perfectly acceptable approach, provided that there is adequate justification for it. Is it justified in this particular case?

The Structural Engineer

Unsafe building within the Codes In April 1982 we published part of a letter from Mr D. J. Ascough. He continued: I would also like to take up a point made by Mr Akroyd in his Presidential Address, published in the December 1981 journal. Verulam