The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

This method was first used for continuous girders, but is now used for ordinary spans.

The Structural Engineer

It may be of interest to outline briefly the more important, points in regard to the structural steelwork for this colossal block of service flats.

The Structural Engineer

The purport of this paper on the erection of steel bridges, is to describe various methods in use for putting the steelwork into its final position at the site. These methods are taken from actual examples of bridges erected, and will, it is thought, cover in a broad way most methods in common use. Of course, no hard and fast rule can be laid down, but each bridge has to be considered on its merits, and the method adopted for the erection probably plays as large a part as any in deciding the type of bridge to be designed for a particular type. D.G. Mackintosh

The Structural Engineer

Introduction. The title of this Paper covers a wide subject, and we can only consider certain outstanding items which appear to be of importance, and yet which are, perhaps, not fully appreciated by practising engineers. J. Singleton-Green