The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The year 1926 witnessed the completion of two remarkable bridges, one in North, the other in South America. Both are long span stifiened suspension bridges. Both possess distinct novelties in design at the same time as they exhibit noticeable differences of detail. These two bridges are the Philadelphia. and Camden Bridge over the Delaware River and the Florianopolis Bridge connecting the main-land of the state of Santa Catharintl, one of the twenty-one states of Brazil, with the city of Florianopolis on the island of Santa Catharina. The Philadelphia-Camden bridge provides for a heavy stream of traffic in the heart of a densely populated neighbourhood, while the Florianopolis bridge of appreciably less span accommodates a highway, electric railway and pipe line and forms a link necessary to the future development of the surrounding district.

The Structural Engineer

The subject of my lectare to-night has formed a field of discussion amongst engineers and scientists for certainly two hundred years and for how much longer I do not know J M Moncrieff

The Structural Engineer

The new Grand Stands at the Epsom Race-course, which were opened last year, were so fully described and illustrated in the Press that their general features will be familiar to every-one, and I therefore propose to limit this paper to a description of some of the details which are of particular interest to engineers. H Cane