The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer


The Structural Engineer

The years 1926, '27 and '28 will be recorded a? notable dates when the history of recent achievements in bridge engineering comes to be chronicled. These years will have witnessed the commencement or completion of many remarkable bridge structures -remarkable both for magnitude of dimensions as well as for novelties in design and erection. J Husband

The Structural Engineer

I feel that it is due to readers to explain that this paper was originally given as the Chairman's Address at a meeting of the Midland Counties Branch of the Institution, and that it was not intended to be a strictly technical paper, nor, indeed, much beyond a discoursive story of the development of the practice of engineering as applied to military works principally of a defensive nature. When I acceded at short notice to a request that I should give this paper I had no idea that I should find myself, as a Civil Engineer, attempting to talk on any aspect whatever of military engineering before certain distinguished exponents of the whole art and science thereof. A.H.S. Waters