The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The subject of this paper is of great current interest to bridge engineers and I should like to add a few comments. L.A. Clark

The Structural Engineer

Mr. Kenneth Severn (F, Past President): This Code has made a noteworthy contribution in two respects.

The Structural Engineer

Clients, consultants, observers and users often express concern when perceptible motions of buildings, bridges, offshore and other fixed structures occur. In this paper human reactions to such vibration are discussed and magnitudes of motion caused by a variety of environmental and other forces which should prove acceptable to the majority of people who use the structures, and many purposes are suggested. A.W. Irwin

The Structural Engineer

By separating a vibration problem into two distinct parts, one concerned only with the spring forces in the structure and the other only with the inertial forces imposed by the mass carried, easy calculations can be used to solve fairly complex structures. A. Bolton

The Structural Engineer

Prof. A. J. Harris, CBE, BSc(Eng), CEng, FIStructE, FlCE succeeds Mr. Peter Dunican as President of the Institution 1978-79 on 5 October next and, at an Ordinary Meeting at 6 pm that evening, will give his Presidential Address , 'Intellectual standing of engineering'.

The Structural Engineer

The problems of interaction between manmade structures and the ground which nature provides to support them are always with us; we were glad that the Institution's Symposium in May to launch its excellent state-of-the-art report was so well attended. Discussion was lively and interesting; Sam Thorburn and his committee are to be commended for producing a stimulating and useful study. Verulam