The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

NHBC engineers are having increasingly frequent contacts with members of the Institution. This paper gives background information on NHBC, explains what it seeks to achieve within the limits of its ten year structural warranty scheme and shows how its technical requirements, particularly those for foundations, have developed from the experience of the last ten years. D.A. Chapman, R.E. Dyce and M.J.V. Powell

The Structural Engineer

This paper describes tendering and construction of underground railway stations in Hong Kong, the contracts for which were let on a design and construct basis. It describes the sites, the soil conditions and the structural concepts chosen to overcome the difficulties foreseen. The method used to construct the main walls, which is the principal structural feature, is described and illustrated. The method adopted is based on local construction techniques but designed by means of modern structural analysis. The preparation of the tenders is described and some of the construction problems are covered. The paper concludes with a discourse on design and construction contracts. A.L. Benjamin, L.J. Endicott and R.J. Blake

The Structural Engineer

So! this is the first issue of The Structural Engineer in its new form; we rather like the look of it. The concept of separating out the Research and Development papers to provide material for an optional quarterly seems an effective way of recognising the fairly numerous and vociferous complaints from those who do not wish to read them in the Journal, but at the same time continuing what is an essential part of the activities of the Institution. It will be extremely interesting to see, when things have settled down, how many members opt to receive these four R and D issues which will be extra to the twelve normal monthly issues each year. Verulam