The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Mr. J. B. Dwight (M): Dr. Young has described how in 1967 the Science and Research Committee set in progress the train of events that led to this work and it happens that the Chairman of that Committee was then Mr. Creasy. The object of the work was to try to rationalize column treatments and do something towards avoiding the differences between BS449 and BS153 for identical members. We were lucky that Dr. Young happened to be coming back from Bangkok at that time and was available to undertake this work. He operated in four main areas, in each of which he has left his mark.

The Structural Engineer

The planning and design procedures adopted for the hospital are reviewed having due regard for economy, speed of planning and construction, and the installation of the various services. Many of these services had not been finalized when detail drawings were being prepared for tender purposes. The structural design had thus to be sufficiently flexible in concept to avoid costly and time-consuming alterations for such services during construction. W.M. Stern

The Structural Engineer

A survey has been made of experimental data for the failure of concrete subjected to multiaxial stress systems varying from triaxial compression, through combinations of compression and tension to biaxial tension. D.J. Hannant