The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The cyclical nature in which the design of a housing project in south London on a steeply sloping site was evolved is described. Peter Buckthorp, Fred Butler, Peter Dunican and John Morrison

The Structural Engineer

Research which included tests on 157 cores, 216 cylinders and 244 cubes is described in this paper. The authors recommend a method for equating tests on cores with cube strengths obtained under the standard conditions of manufacture and curing set out in specifications. J.M. Plowman, W.F. Smith and T. Sherriff

The Structural Engineer

I was very interested to read the report of the discussion on this subject, and in particular, the reference made to the Forth Road Bridge, since I was deputy resident engineer on that project. B.G. Smith

The Structural Engineer

Mr. Bobrowski: Since the speed with which grandstands have to be built is such that it was virtually impossible to obtain up-to-date photographs of Sandown Park and Calgary before publication of the paper it should be useful to supplement the discussion with the following figures:

The Structural Engineer

The action of winds on the rough surfaces of cooling towers is often not taken into account. However, disregard of this factor when designing cooling towers can result in their unsatisfactory behaviour. Max A.M. Herzog