The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The paper reviews simple methods of analysing the effects of the creep and shrinkage of concrete in structural members. The cases considered include prestressed and reinforced concrete, cracked and uncracked, under moment and direct load. J.M. Illston and L. England

The Structural Engineer

Mr. J. Peacock: ‘Mr. Thorburn said that the use of the Armco liner in the piles stopped ground water from getting into the bore; but it could still fill up the bottom of the bore, as far as I could see, so really what does the Armco liner do? It seems quite expensive to put there, and I do not see how it stops water from getting into the bottom of the bore.’

The Structural Engineer

M. G. Taraye described the French system as follows: ‘The subject of today’s lecture is divided into three main categories: Failure of works in France. The French system of ten years responsibility. Insurance of builders in France (by builders we mean architects, engineers and contractors).

The Structural Engineer

FEANI The 18 member nations that comprise FEANl (Fédération Européenne d’Associations Nationales d’lngénieurs) are: Austria; Belgium; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Finlan; France; West Germany; Greece; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Sweden: Switzerland; and the United Kingdom.

The Structural Engineer

The Council announce the formation of a further Study Group, details of which follow Statutory Control of Building and Engineering Works This is the third Study Group approved by the Council and Mr. R. M. Silber, CEng FIStructE, FIAS, 365 Brixton Road, London SW9, has agreed to act as Convener.

The Structural Engineer

Synopsis The paper describes an investigation into the ultimate behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with bars with proof strengths varying between 414N /966N/mm2 (60 000 and 140 000 lb/in2). A method by which the ultimate bending moment can be calculated to agree reasonably with the experimental results. It is shown that steel with a yield point of up fo 552 N/mm2(80 000 lb/in2) can offer worthwhile economic advantages and that the crack widths associated with the higher working stresses are tolerable for normal exposure. L.A. Clark and Professor W. Eastwood

The Structural Engineer

‘Good structures are not brought about by the law any more than a deflnition of petty larceny stops people from stealing. We are in danger of worrying about the law instead of being concerned about good engineering.’