The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Applying a new variant of the energy method, established by the author, differential equations of the vibrational movement are obtained for the axes of the rods and for curved plates. Professor Ing. N.D. Popescu

The Structural Engineer

This review of the performance of candidates in the Institution Parts 2 and 3 examinations held in July 1970 is offered as a guide to those who are preparing for future examinations and to those members and others responsible for the teaching and training of potential candidates.

The Structural Engineer

This paper presents the results of an investigation intended to obtain fatigue data for hybrid plate girders and to determine their fatigue strength at two million cycles. Fatigue tests were conducted on six welded hybrid plate girders with flanges of A441 steel and webs of A36 steel. Web slenderness ratios of 144 and 192 were investigated. A sequential test programme was devised to determine the maximum permissible stress range that will give a life of two million cycles. A. Anthony Toprac and David J. Fielding

The Structural Engineer

The strength and loading statistics used as a background to structural safety measures in design are commonly expressed by frequency distributions in mathematical form. This paper points out that the more relevant parts of frequency distributions-the lower tails of strength curves and the upper tails of loading curves-are in practice limited or truncated. The effects of this are illustrated by a bridge example, using a numerical procedure to deal with the non-mathematical frequency curves involved. The value of proof tests on structures and of controls over their loading is demonstrated. Sir Alfred Pugsley

The Structural Engineer

‘Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen’. ‘It is with humility and profound diffidence that I stand before you today-a foreigner who has found a second motherland, who was admitted without stint or reservations as one of its sons and raised to the pinnacle of one of its great Chartered Institutions. It is a rare if not a unique occasion.' O.A. Kerensky

The Structural Engineer

Such groups will be under the direction of a Convener, appointed by the Council, who will be personally responsible for organising the work of his Group, contacting correspondents, producing and exchanging draft documents, etc. The general procedure for the working of a Study Group is set out on this page. Some simple rules are clearly necessary but it is the hope of the Council that the strength of a Study Group will lie in its informality, and in the opportunity it provides for members in all parts of the world to exchange ideas and experience.

The Structural Engineer

The conditions for the 13th Biennial Competition for the Drury Medal, founded by the late Mr. F. E. Drury (Past President) are now available.

The Structural Engineer

As is customary at the first Ordinary Meeting of the New Year, the meeting of the Institution at 6 o’clock on Thursday 14 January, 1971 will take the form of an open discussion. This year’s theme is a subject of considerable topical interest. All members are invited to bring to the meeting colleagues from the contracting industry from whom contributions to the discussion will be most welcome.

The Structural Engineer

The literature on the comparative properties of solid and perforated bricks is reviewed. In view of the extensive use of perforated bricks it is surprising that there has been little detailed experimental work comparing ceramically similar bricks with and without perforations. The paper describes an extensive investigation to remedy this deficiency. Bricks covering a wide range of strength and water absorptions were used, together with two mortars. H.W.H. West, H.R. Hodgkinson, D.G. Beech and S.T.E. Davenport