The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Mr. L. G. Deuce: ‘In connection with the composite deck no mention is made of the torsional stress in the slab. In my experience it is often quite onerous in the case of a heavily skewed deck. The load factor could, I suggest be near unity. I wonder if there was any sign of torsional failure in the deck slabs.'

The Structural Engineer

Mr. Dorman: ‘Judging by the number of enquiries relating to the merits of various roofing systems received by the BCSA central office, Dr. Buchholdt is to be congratulated on producing a timely paper. It will be of considerable value to have this present study, with its summary of the state of the art in the design of tension structures, and one would certainly hope that this paper will go some way towards bridging the “credibility gap” between research and development activity on the one hand, and design practice on the other.'

The Structural Engineer

Mr. W. E. A. Skinner: ‘I would like to add my thanks to the President’s for the very impressive way the paper was presented.'

The Structural Engineer

This paper describes an investigation of the behaviour of a type of structural connection in which steel plates embedded in, and protruding from, precast concrete beams and columns are bolted together on erection. M. Holmes and C.D. Posner

The Structural Engineer

The response to the invitation to members offered in The Structural Engineer in 1969 has been sufficiently encouraging for the Council to approve a pilot scheme of Special Study Groups.

The Structural Engineer

The General Prismatic Strut W. E. Bowman The following is a precis of a paper which is filed in the Institution’s Library (reference X(25)). Copies are available for borrowing by members of the Institution in the United Kingdom or can be consulted at the Institution.

The Structural Engineer

The concept and evolution of a practicable solution newly encountered problem is the real challenge of engineering. The new Television Studios for ATV in Birmingham presented such a challenge in design and construction in the minimum of time of a building of unusual structural form which on completion had to be lowered to rest on a series of resilient mountings. The way which the design evolved and the construction was carried out forms the basis of this paper. B. Montgomery-Smith

The Structural Engineer

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by order of the Committee of Management that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Voting Contributors of the Institution of Structural Engineers Benevolent Fund will be held at 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1, on Thursday 22 October 1970 at 6 pm to consider and if thought fit to pass the following Resolution: That the Rules in the terms set out in the document presented to the meeting and certified as such by the Chairman, with such amendments thereto, if any, as the Registrar of Friendly Societies may propose and the Committee of Management accept, be approved and adopted as the Rules of the Institution of Structural Engineers Benevolent Fund in substitution for and to the exclusion of all existing Rules thereof.