The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

THE Institution's Shear Study Group, which began its meetings in March 1965, was given the following terms of reference: 'To consider the available information on shear in concrete in various scientific papers and foreign Codes, to decide what further tests are required, and to put forward suggestions for a research programme which will eventually enable a relationship to be established between design formulae and the various modes of failure that can occur.' Professor A.L.L. Baker, C.W. Yu and P.E. Regan

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN: 'I am sure you will all recall the collapse of Ronan Point on 16 May last; and will know that a public Inquiry was set up by the Minister of Housing and Local Government, consisting of Mr. Hugh Griffiths, Chairman, Professor Sir Alfred Pugsley and Professor Sir Owen Saunders. We are very pleased to have Mr. Griffiths with us here tonight, and of course we also welcome Sir Alfred, who is sitting beside me.