The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

British Code CP114 does not give sufficient guidance on shear design of reinforced concrete beams. Some of the requirements appear illogical. Conformance with the Code does not guarantee a satisfactory design or an adequate factor of safety against shear failure. Professor R.H. Evans and F.K. Kong

The Structural Engineer

This paper describes the design of two high point office blocks in which the floors are suspended from steelwork cantilever systems supported on the central concrete cores. Particular reference is made to the structural steelwork, of which the major part is fabricated from high yield stress steel to BS 968, and the measures taken to control the quality of the material. G.M.J. Williams and P.A. Rutter

The Structural Engineer

Mr. Ralph Freeman, President-Elect of the Institution of Civil Engineers: ' I am pleased to join Dr. Matthews as the formal representative this evening of the Institution of Civil Engineers. This is the first Joint Meeting of our two Institutions. I cannot imagine why there has not been one before, but it is better late than never. Everyone will agree that it is a manifestation of the trend towards the better and constantly developing interprofessional relationships which are absolutely essential in the engineering profession and the other professions with which we work to contribute to what I will call " the design of human environment ". We must always act in the interests of the nation as a whole and not solely in our own interests. This makes the meeting a vital one and it is to be hoped that there will be many more Joint Meetings in the future. '