The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The rapid expansion of activities in bio-engineering is a direct expression of a quickening of interest in inter-disciplinary cooperation, particularly in the medical and engineering fields. The paper discusses the background and range of bio-engineering and illustrates this with examples taken from current research concerned with the engineering characteristics of some of the structural components of the human body such as the vertebral column, muscle, the hip-joint, skin and rib cartilage. R. M. KENEDI

The Structural Engineer

This paper is about management in the building industry during the next decade, the 'industry' meaning all those individuals, professions, trades and businesses concerned from inception to completion of a project. C. E. D. WOOSTER

The Structural Engineer

Mr. F. H. Needham (Member of Council) said it was an unfortunate fact that, when the effects described by the paper did become apparent, many people thought the right thing to do was cover them up and not reveal what had happened. However, it was important that these things be brought to light.

The Structural Engineer

Members will know that the President, with Mr. F. R. Bullen and the Secretary, are the Institution’s representatives on the Engineering Institutions Joint Council. Mr. Bullen, as Chairman of the Joint Council’s General Purposes and Finance Committee, has taken a leading part in its affairs since the formation of the EIJC in 1962. Sir KENNETH HAGUE

The Structural Engineer

Although the method of structural analysis to be described has been used for some time in Germany and in the USA, it is not widely known in Great Britain. It was therefore thought that students would appreciate an introduction to the subject, together with some worked examples. SUSHlL GHOSE