The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

An Ordinary General Meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers was held at 11, Upper Belgrave Street, London, S.W.l., on Thursday, 25th January, 1962, at 5.55 p.m. Mr. F. R. Bullen, B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.Struct.E. , M.I.C.E., (President) in the Chair. The following members were elected in accordance with the Bye-Laws. Will members kindly note that the elections, as tabulated below, should be referred to when consulting the Year Rook for evidence of membership.

The Structural Engineer

The paper describes the remedial measures taken to stabilize a large blast-furnace foundation which started to tilt during construction. Nyal E. Wilson

The Structural Engineer

The movements produced at the ground surface by underground coal mining are described and the ways in which these produce forces on structures sited on and within the soil are considered. The forces are shown to be related to the deformation properties of both soil and structure. The available information on damaging movements is summarised. Examples are given of a variety of structures which have been successfully erected in areas of mining subsidence. These indicate that there is no longer need to sterilise sites which overlie coal measures. J. D. Geddes and D. W. Cooper

The Structural Engineer

Although it has always been his practice to study developments in structural engineering in Europe and North America, recently the author has had a special opportunity to compare those national standards or codes of practice which are analogous to B.S. 449- The use of steel in building. Some of these specifications are in course of revision at the presentime, but almost all of them have been amended during the last decade. Despite the fact that each succeeding revision tends to lead to greater economy in the use of structural steelwork, it may be stated with reasonable confidence that, with one important reservation, the stipulations in B.S.449 : 1959 do not compare unfavourably with other national standards. The exception relates to the allowable stresses in axially-loaded struts, about which the principal information is contained in Table 17 and Appendix B. G. Bernard Godfrey

The Structural Engineer

The first Presidential Tour took place in 1950, when Mr. Leslie Turner, accompanied by the then Secretary, Major Maitland, visited the South African Branch Headquarters in Johannesburg and the Sections of that Branch in Cape Town and Durban. This visit was at the invitation of the Branch, which by then had been established fourteen years. That the visit was a success is evident by the invitation from the Branch that a second Presidential visit be made. The invitation was accepted and in 1957 Mr. and Mrs. J. Guthrie Brown visited Rhodesia, Kenya and the Union of South Africa. Lt.-Colonel G. W. Kirkland