The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

1. Introductory Remarks An approximate solution to the design of webplates that takes account of their postbuckling behaviour has been described in a previous paperl. It is based on the limiting stresses, which have been approximately estimated from the results of experimental and theoretical research. However, this approximate design procedure is useful only in the absence of a more accurate knowledge of the limiting stresses based on a detailed analysis of the deformation and of the stresses in the webplate in the postbuckling range. C.Sc. Ing. M. Skaloud

The Structural Engineer

PAPER ACCEPTED FOR THE LIBRARY The following paper has been placed in the Library:- The Characteristics of Friction Grip-Bolt Joints by M. S. G. Cullimore, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.M.I.Struct.E.

The Structural Engineer

The paper gives a brief history of the development of the Chichester Festival Theatre. It describes how the idea of building it occurred to its founder and gives the reasons whch led to the choice of the open stage as opposed to the proscenium arch. The reasons for the choice of the particular type of structure are given, with special reference to the r61e played by the suspended roof in assisting the stability of the cantilevered auditorium structure. A brief cost analysis of the structure concludes the paper. Charles Weiss