The Structural Engineer as Artist Chapter VI. - The Factory Block

Author: Edwards, A Trystan

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The Structural Engineer as Artist Chapter VI. - The Factory Block

Edwards, A Trystan
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The Structural Engineer

Edwards, A Trystan


The Structural Engineer, Volume 4, Issue 6, 1926

Date published



Edwards, A Trystan


The Structural Engineer, Volume 4, Issue 6, 1926


Standard: £10 + VAT
Members/Subscribers: Free

IN a previous article of this series I divided industrial buildings into four main elements - the factory block, the industrial hall, the factory stack, and the “unconditioned aggregate.” Before examining the last three elements, I propose to discuss in greater detail the factory block so that its formal qualities may become apparent. All the illustrations here shown are thumbnail sketches of actual structures designed presumably by hardheaded and practical men, so whatever artistic merit such structures may possess, this represents a quite reasonable expression of the aesthetic instinct and is not due to any unjustifiable flights of artistic imagination. It is important that in this argument we should, as it were, keep “close to earth” and never seek to escape from the dominion of reason and necessity, bearing in mind, of course, that besides practical and utilitarian reason there is such a thing as aesthetic reason.

A. Trystan Edwards

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The Institution of Structural Engineers


Issue 6

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