The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

“ He who considers things in their first growth or origin will obtain the clearest view of them ”-Aristotle. He would be less than human who did not find pleasure in the honour whicli you have done me this evening, and who did not approach the task of being your President with trepidation and even anxiety. I can do no more, however, than thank you sincerely for placing such confidence in me, and assure you that I shall ever be conscious of the honour and of the dignity of my office. I shall seek to discharge my duties to the best of my ability and with the object of promoting the science and art of Structural Engineering to which this Institution is committed. I have high standards to live up to; I hope that in a year’s time I may have been enabled to pass on the seals of my office with undiminished lustre. F. R. Bullen

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN proposed a vote of thanks to the author. Commenting on Mr. Brimer’s apology for having omitted mathematics from the paper, the Chairman said he need not have apologised, for there were some who felt that on occasions such an omission provided the opportunity for members to think more broadly. In any case the Institution was interested in the promotion of the science and art of structural engineering, and perhaps Mr. Brimer had put forward some of the art instead of some of the science. The members were very grateful to him for having contributed the paper, for it had been very interesting to read it and to hear his remarks on what was being done in a country overseas.

The Structural Engineer

The paper describes how the basic structure of concrete can be damaged. Concrete hardens by a rystallisation process and is destroyed by chemicals which dissolve the crystals and physical phenomena which disrupt them. P. E. Halstead

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT introduced the authors, who then presented their paper. Mr. Edwards showed a series of pictures of the B.E.A. Engineering Base at the London Airport, and Mr. Rigg illustrated the method of construction and the general progress of the work.