The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

A general solution of the equations for the torsional-flexural buckling of struts is presented. Expressions for the end conditions of the struts are found and their application to the buckling of frameworks described. J. D. Renton

The Structural Engineer

To transfer loads of structures through soft upper layers of soil to harder strata below, piling is currently adopted. L. D. Turzynski

The Structural Engineer

A method is proposed for estimating the elastic lateral instability load of beams taking into account the possibility of premature compression flange failing by local buckling. This introduces the principle of a hypothetical or transformed section which is made locally at every stage of the loading through the application of the concept of effective compression plate width. Using a relation for section transformation developed from the experimental results in the light of relevant theoretical work, it was found that the procedure suggested gave reasonable estimates for the critical loads of beams in which there is an interaction between the local and lateral buckling modes. S. Cherry