The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

After giving a brief review of the existing methods of detcrmining the natural frequency of foundation-soil systems, this paper presents a new method of predicting the natural frequency. Its validity is established by comparison with the results of Pauw, Converse and Eastwood. The new mcthod suggested is easy to apply, and is simple in form. H. A. Balakrishna Rao and C. N. Nagaraj

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN, proposing a vote of thanks to the author said he was glad to hear him say that he had treated his subject simply. The essence of good design was simplicity, but one felt that that was sometimes overlookcd. One was glad that the subject could be reduced to simple terms, and it was a pleasure to propose a very hearty vote of thanks to him for having presented some difficult material in a simple way.

The Structural Engineer

A practical paper describing the new animal feed mill which has just commenced operation in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Edward V. Finn and Kenneth F. Shadbolt

The Structural Engineer

The Chairman introduced the authors who then presented their paper and showed a film illustrating the progress of the work on the foundations and the structure of the Assembly Building at Dagenham.

The Structural Engineer

The Institution welcomes as its President for the Session 1960-61, Lt.-Colonel G. W. Kirkland, M.B.E.(MIL.), M.I.STRUC, M.I.C.E. who takes office on the 6th October.