The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

The Fourth revision of the British Standard 449 “The Use of Structural Steel in Building” was published by authority of the General Council of the British Standards Institution on 27th May, 1959. This commentary is intended to draw attention to some of the major alterations that have been made and to give reasons therefor. It is not designed to be a detailed comparison on the two documents clause for clause. Such a comparison written by Mr. Lewis E. Kent has been published by the British Steelwork Association and should be consulted for this purpose. John Mason

The Structural Engineer

YOU have done me a great honour by electing I would be less than human if I did not say that I am delighted to be in this place -or that the possible occupancy of this chair has been, for some years past, one of my most cherished hopes.

The Structural Engineer

The Liverpool Group is the second largest of the seventeen areas forming the North Western Gas Board. An examination of production rcquirements, made soon after the nationalisation of the gas industry, indicated that additional carbonising plant was needed in the group. It was decided that this should be installed at Garston Gas Works and should provide for an additional 14 million cu.ft. of gas per day. H. G. Cousins