The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

As the iteration procedures of analysis are becoming increasingly popular among practising engineers a method of successive approximations is presented for the analysis of reinforced concrete cylindrical shells of rotational symmetry continuous at their boundaries and of constant thickness. Gunhard Oravas

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT introduced the Author, who then presented the paper. He summarised the main points of the design of the reactor building and concluded with a film showing its construction.

The Structural Engineer

THE purpose of the following discussion of structural safety is not to present the Author’s opinions but to indicate the true nature of the problems considered, so that in any analysis of related problems important aspects will not be overlooked. A review of the whole concept of safety is attempted, summing up the main points of many recent papcrs, and finally a general criterion is presented for the rational determination of the risk of failure in a structure. Professor S.O. Asplund

The Structural Engineer

Errata A NUMBER of printing errors were unfortunately overlooked at the time of checking the proofs and are corrected below. Professor Baker wishes to apologise for this and to correct any impression which may have been given through misunderstanding that the printer was at fault. All errors noted on the proof were carefully corrected.