The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

1. Synopsis THE moment distribution method is used to find the moments and the ring tension in the walls and the bases of the following two types of cylindrical tank: (a) Cylindrical tank on a rigid flat foundation. (b) Cylindrical tank with flat base supported on a cylindrical shaft of smaller character. Amin Ghali

The Structural Engineer

IN July 1955 there was ah exhibition of work in progress at the Building Research Station on structural engineering and soil mechanics, a short account of which was published in this Journal. The aim of this exhibition was to give design engineers a general picture of what research was being done at the Station, from the more fundamental long-term work to that which is yielding results for immediate application.

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT introduced the Author, who then presented his paper, and showed a film illustrating the actual behaviour of beams under various forms of stress.

The Structural Engineer

THIS paper is one of a series of studies on the torsional resistance of non-circular sections and is part of a programme carried out under the direction of Professor W. Fisher Cassie in the Department of Civil Engineering, King’s. College, University of Durham. Previous papers in this series have been published in The Structural Engineer and are listed at the head of the bibliography. A.R. Gent