The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

THE analysis of the simpler types of rigid rectangular framework may be undertaken quite satisfactorily by employing such methods as those of slope-deflection and moment distribution. As has been shown by tests carried out by the Steel Structures Research Committeel, it is possible to obtain a very good estimate of the stresses occurring in a structure by such methods. When, however, it is necessary to analyse the usual size of building frame, these methods prove to be impracticable owing to the excessive amount of computation involved. This difficulty has been overcome in the conventional method of design by making use of simplifying assumptions which considerably ease the burden of computation. Unfortunately stresses calculated on the basis of this method bear little relation to those occurring in practice, and the designs produced cannot be regarded as really economic. There is an obvious need for some method of obtaining rigorous analyses without the usual excessive amount of work. The analyser described in this paper is designed for just this purpose. It is simple to set up and apply and gives rapid and accurate solutions to rigid frame problems. J. W. Bray

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT introduced the authors, who then presented their paper.

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN announced that Mr. Husband would present the paper as his co-Author, Mr. Best, was at present in Ceylon.

The Structural Engineer

1. Introduction Early Uses of Prefabrication MANY people regard prefabrication in building solely as a post-war development, and to some the word itself is synonymous with “temporary.” Both these beliefs are quite wrong, speaking generally. While modern prefabrication is certainly a revolutionary chapter in the history of building, its principles have been known and practised to a greater or lesser extent for a couple of centuries. Clifford E. Saunders