The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

THE President introduced the Authors and invited them to present their joint paper.

The Structural Engineer

In the Chair, Mr. Leslie Turner, B.Sc., M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E., President of the British Section of the Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France.

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN, opening the meeting, said the occasion was very exceptional for various reasons. In the first place, it was the first occasion on which there had been a joint meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers and the British Constructional Steelwork Association, and he hoped very much that it would not be the last one. This co-operation was exemplified by the presence on the platform of Mr. Hipwell, the immediate Past President of the B.C.S.A., with whom he, the Chairman, was delighted to share the duties of the Chair.

The Structural Engineer

IT HAS long been known that the approach of elastic instability in a framework results in the amplification of bending actions due to transverse loads on the component members, to eccentricities and to other imperfections which may be present. This amplification can cause premature yielding in extreme fibres and it may therefore affect adversely the load carrying capacity of the structure. The moment-distribution method used in the analysis of these bending actions has been extended in the past to provide a means of estimating critical loads.1 In its usual form the method can be tedious, particularly in the region of the critical load, where convcrgencc is slow. In a recent paper the writer has dcvelopcd a method which is direct in its approach and which enables the stiffnesses and hence the criticaloads of plane braced structures to be calculated with ease. For continuous beam and certain building frame problems the method has a parallel in the techniques adopted by Wood, when these are extended to deal with the effects of end-thrust. Such methods of estimation of critical loads are briefly reviewed here, and it is demonstrated that they correspond to a convenient physical interpretation of the process of condensing a determinant. H.G. Allen

The Structural Engineer

Fig. 3 shows the openness of the layout, accommodating 120 dwellings on this narrow site. The soluticn was to build upwards and merited a load bearing framework. Steelwork was selected as the best medium. E. Czeiler