The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Sir,-We would refer to the above paper by Dr. P. H. Moricc and Mr. G. Little, published in the STRUCTURAL ENGINEER of March 1954. Although the paper was published some time ago we fecl that the following remarks regarding the tests on the continuous beam systems may still be of interest.

The Structural Engineer

THE subject of the paper is the precast concrete frame of the main building for the Pressed Steel Company’s new factory at Stratton St. Margaret. D. H. New and R. Sanders

The Structural Engineer

"A Report on Structural Engineering in Germany" presented to the Institution in 1946 by Mr. John Mason, Member of Council, embraced many aspects of war-time developments associated with our profession. It is the object of the present paper to give an impression of the trends and achievements in the development of steel bridges and structures since that time. G. Bernard Godfrey

The Structural Engineer

The President introduced Mr. MORAN, who then presented his paper, which he illustrated by many photographs and drawings of repair work on reinforced concrete structures.