The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

I MUST first thank all members of the Institution most sincerely for the honour they have conferred on me by electing me as President for this session. Conscious of my many shortcomings but fortified by a foreknowledge of the generous support to come from both members and staff, I can only assure you of my best endeavours. Professor Sir Alfred Pugsley

The Structural Engineer

THE subject of this paper is a new departmental store in Middlesbrough for the firm of Binns (Sunderland) Ltd., a member of The House of Fraser. The building is of large proportions and fronts Newport Road with return frontages to Linthorpe Road and Newport Crescent. The shape of the site is in the form of an " L " and the rear boundaries consist of the Imperial Hotel and the Cafe Royal. F. R. Bullen

The Structural Engineer

THIS paper outlines the status and conditions of engagement, and the codes of conduct, and refers to the scales of charges for thc Architect, Structural Engineer and Consulting Engineer respectively. Consideration is given to the types of project on which the Architect requires the collaboration of an Engineer and to the various methods by which expert advicch on structural matters can be obtained in respect of sites, foundations, framing, floors, cladding etc. Advantages and disadvantages of each mcthcd of collaboration are considered from the point of view of the client in respect of efficiency and economy and suggestions made as to the many items upon which the Architect and Engineer, in collaboration with the Quantity Surveyor, can combine to give the best professional services to the client from the earliest stages of the project up to thc certificxtion of final accounts. Leslie A. Chackett

The Structural Engineer

STRUCTURAL Engineering throughout the world is influenced almost as much by the quality and efficiency of the rolled steel sections available to the engineer as by the price of steel relative to the cost of other construction materials and labour. S. Barlow and G. Foster