The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

INTRODUCING the Author of the paper, the PRESIDENT said Dr. Bateman was elected to Associate Membership of the Institution in 1932 and transferred to full Membership in 1949, and at the present time he was on the staff of the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough.

The Structural Engineer

THE subject of this paper is an extremely wide one since it embraces a large portion of the whole field of structural engineering. It is, therefore, impossible to deal with all aspects of it in the space available. Certain parts of the subject can only be touched on briefly and the Author proposes to deal with it mostly in general terms. H.V. Hill

The Structural Engineer

THE buildings for the Diffusion Plant at the atomic energy factory at Capenhurst provided the structural engineer with some interesting problems. T.C. Waters

The Structural Engineer

HALL, Raymond Sidney, of St. Catharines, Ontario, HALLILEY, Harry, of Ratley, Yorks. HALLOWS, Peter Marcus, of Wirksworth, Derby. LANCASTER, Robert Mortimer, B.Sc.(Eng.) London, of STAPLES, Graham George, of Nuneaton, Warwicks.