The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

MR. W. E. BLIZARD, B.Sc., M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E. President of the British Section of the Societe, was in the chair and Dr. S. B. Hamilton, M.Sc., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.C.E., President of the Institution, accompanied him on the platform.

The Structural Engineer

This report has been compiled by a committee of the Institution after a review of safety problems in relation to a wide range of structures. In its report the committee makes a fresh approach to structural safety problems with a view to helping the development of more rational methods of design. No attempt has been made to put forward recommended numerical values for load factors applicable to the various mediums of construction, this being considered to be a matter for Codes of Practice committees and others working in the respective fields.

The Structural Engineer

THE PHESIDENT, introducing Mr. Dick, said that he was the Superintending Structural Engineer who had been responsible for the design and the conduct of the very remarkable work of which he was going to speak. He was known well to many who were present that evening, so that he needed little introduction; in any case he was well able to speak for himself, and his work would speak for him too.

The Structural Engineer

RECENT research1 has shown that flexibility is desirable for sheet pile wall sections. The flexural properties of steel, reinforced roncretct, and prestressed concrete sections arc studied, in order to determine the most flexiblc section for a given moment of resistance. General relationships between unit moment of resistance and the flexibility number of the piling are developed for the conditions of working stress, yield, and ultimate failure. P.W. Rowe