The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Design of light lattice girders and trusses composed of structural steel angles is commonly based on the recommendations of B.S.S.449-1948. Tension members forming such girders are designed to comply with clauses 39 and 40 of the specification and experimental research has indicated that members proportioned in accordance with these clauses give calculated yield loads which agree closely with the measured loads. S. Mackey

The Structural Engineer

The CHAIRMAN (Lt.-Colonel R. F. Galbraith, M.C., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.T.Struct.E., A.M.I.C.E.), welcomed on behalf of the Institution of Structural Engineers the members of the British Iron and Steel Research Association and of the Engineers' Group of the Iron and Steel Institute who were present, and introduced the authors.

The Structural Engineer

The CHAIRMAN (Lt.-Colonel R. F. Galbraith, M.C., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.Struct.E., .M.I.C.E.), introduced the authors. Mr. Manning then presented the paper and Mr. Hamilton exhibited a number of illustrations of aluminium structures and joints and tests on aluminium.

The Structural Engineer

Stanchions have been used for a long time as component members of rigid framed structures. At present they are designed by analogy with the behaviour of isolated stanchions. This method is open to criticism and obscures the action of a stanchion as a part of a structure. This paper advances arguments that the structure itself instead of its component parts be designed by analogy with an isolated stanchion. W. Merchant