The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Of the constructions that fall to the lot of the structural engineer, single storey sheds are perhaps the most prosaic. The traditional medium for such buildings has, for many years, been light latticed rolled steelwork which to a great degree has become standardised by commercial usage. R.P. Haines

The Structural Engineer

The author is to be congratulated on having tackled the difficult problem of linking the behaviour of the foundation with that of the structure, and with considerable success. It is obvious that a very wide field of research has been opened up, but it may not have been noticed by readers that this is one aspect of a more general approach to the problem of the behaviour of the complete structure, frame, encasement, floors, walls, foundations and all. In recent years very great advances have been made in the knowledge of the behaviour of bare steel frames, both under working (elastic) conditions, and also at " ultimate " or " plastic " collapse. Without in any way detracting from the merit of such work it is nevertheless clear from a study of Fig. 7 (c) of the paper that the stresses in the frame can in addition be modified, in some cases very considerably, by the other elements of the complete structure, most of all by floors and walls.

The Structural Engineer

The CHAIRMAN (Lt.-Colonel R. F. Galbraith, M.C., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.Struct.E., .M.I.C.E.), introduced the authors and expressed his great pleasure that one of the Institution's very dear Past Presidents, Professor J. Husband, was present on that occasion.