The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The PRESIDENT,proposed a vote of thanks to Professor Pugsley for his valuable paper, and for the explanations he had given in presenting it.

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT, proposing a vote of thanks to the three authors of the Paper, said the Institution was grateful to them for having written and presented it and for the illustrations they had shown.

The Structural Engineer

The authors have been asked to write this Paper by way of expounding and illustrating some of the matters raised in the Report issued by the Heads of the Works Directorates of the Ministry of Works and Service Departments on the Economic use of Building Materials, and they are limiting their observations to those subjects of more particular interest to the members of this Institution, and ,are including reference to the Steel Economy Bulletins. G.A. Gardner

The Structural Engineer

From Mr. S. P. BANERJEE (Associate Member) : The writer appreciated the paper from the point of view that it summarised the factors which the Structural Engineers should keep in mind when dealing with problems on foundation design. On the question of choice of foundation, whether rigid or flexible, a design which keeps the balance of the elastic behaviours of the soil and the foundation structure, in keeping with the permissible relative settlements, would appear to be most satisfactory.