The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Mr. BOLTON, presenting the paper, said he would not dwell on the first part of it, nor attempt to deal with the way in which his concept of a method of analysing rigid frames fitted into already accepted methods. The history of science in general over the last 500 years showed that very often new approaches were not so much due to the better observation of facts, better experimental techniques and so on, but rather to a different viewpoint. He wanted to ofler, not just a method of analysing rigid frames, but a new viewpoint; he asked the meeting to consider the structure as a whole, rather than individual members of it.

The Structural Engineer

The technical business of the joint meeting was the presentation and discussion of the above paper. Unfortunately, owing to fog, Monsieur Brice was unable to reach London, as he had hoped, and the paper was presented on his behalf by M. de Jarny.

The Structural Engineer

The paper describes two testing machines. A fullsize prototype has already been made of one of these and a demonstration model is also available. A demonstration model only is available for the other. A.C. Vivian

The Structural Engineer

The first part of this paper describes the utilisation of " low-head " installations in the development of the hydro-electric resmrces of France, with a description of the principles and construction of the Stream-line Power Station Barrage recently completed at Templesur-Lot (Electricite de France). L.P. Brice