The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Slope Deflection, Moment Distribution, and Relaxation are the most widely used methods of solution of rigid frames, but each requires a great deal of labour for larger structures. Possibly the main cause of this difficulty is the need to consider two types of deformation of the structure, rotation of joints and sways. At present these are dealt with by considering them as separate unknowns. Arthur Bolton

The Structural Engineer

Dr. HAJNAL-KONYI said that, in view of the length of his original paper, he had had to omit from the published paper his introduction, which formed the background for the tests described. Therefore, he would read the introduction in order to put the matter in its proper perspective. He had wanted to avoid omitting any of the technical information because he wanted readers of the paper to arrive at their own conclusions.

The Structural Engineer

A great deal has been said in recent years about science and technology; the alleged inadequacy of the latter in this country and the place it should take in the educational world. I do not propose to discuss these questions, though obviously my subject bears upon them. I do not, in fact, propose to use the word "technologyā€¯ at all; it smacks too much of applied science and of industry to be a happy description of structural engineering. Professor A.G. Pugsley