The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

The structure which is the subject of this paper forms the Garage Unit of a large development scheme for the Bournemouth Corporation Transport Department at Castle Lane, Bournemouth. The garage (Fig. I) comprises nine barrel vaults each 33 ft. in width and 148 ft. 6 in. span, providing an uninterrupted floor 300 ft. by 150 ft. approx. Parallel to and abutting the western 300 ft. end is a low level Administration Building. A future extension has been planned of identical dimensions to the new garage which will be constructed at the other side of the Administration Building, the latter eventually serving both the present and future garages. Lt.-Col. C.W. Kirkland and A. Goldstein

The Structural Engineer

The CHAIIIMCIAN (Mr. W. C. Andrews, O.B.E., M.I.C.E., Vice President) apologised for the absence of the President, Mr. Leslie Turner, and the Secretary, Major R. F. Maitland, both of whom were visiting the South African Branch.

The Structural Engineer

I render cordial thanks to the Institution of Structural Engineers and the British Section of the Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France for the honour of addressing them to-day on the subject of the strange and fascinating phenomenon : the “Soffioni” of Tuscany, and the industrial undertakings at Larderello. Dr. Ing. Alfredo Mazzoni