The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Sir, In this paper, Mr. Robson considers the effect on bending moments when the change of moment of inertia along a continuous reinforced concrete beam is taken into account. Changes are assumed to occur where the bending moment changes sign, and the calculations are based on the ratio of the moment of inertia of a plain concrete tee beam for sagging moment, and a rectangular beam for hogging moment.

The Structural Engineer

The CHAIRMAN, introducing the author, recalled that the paper was a description of one of our major national schemes of post-war reconstruction which had formed the subject of a very pleasurable visit by the Scottish Branch last year when the previous President was able to visit the works.

The Structural Engineer

Before dealing with the main substance of this subject there are certain factors which should be appreciated in order to obtain a true picture of the many variables which confront the structural engineer in work associated with the gas industry. W.R. Garrett

The Structural Engineer

From Mr. D. L. LITTLE : As a visitor I should like to thank the Institution very much indeed for inviting me to hear Professor Baker give his paper.

The Structural Engineer

As announced in the April issue of the Journal, the President and the Secretary left Southampton on March 30th to visit the Union of South Africa Branch. This was the first visit by officials of the Institution to the Branch since its formation in 1937, and both were greatly impressed by the progress which the Branch has made during its comparatively short history and by the enthusiasm of its members, as well as deeply moved by the warmth of the welcome accorded them.