The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Sir, In your issue of August, 1949, No. 8, I found a report of a discussion on Dr. H. Gottfeldt’s paper, “Curved Bridges-and why they should be welded.” From this report I learned that during the discussion the author and Mr. Cadwell expressed some apprehensions as to certain details of a Swedish curved steel bridge mentioned in Dr. Gottfeldt’s paper. Being responsible for the design of this bridge, which belongs to the Swedish State Railways, I feel obliged to inform you that the remarks seem to be based on misunderstandings and incomplete information.

The Structural Engineer

My first desire is to thank the members of this Institution most sincerely for the honour they have conferred on me by electing me their President for the Session 1949-50. Conscious as I am of my shortcomings for this high office, I can only promise to serve you to the best of my ability, to endeavour to uphold the high traditions of my predecessors and to try to merit the confidence you have placed in me. Leslie Turner

The Structural Engineer

The design and construction of modern steel and reinforced concrete structures are largely governed by the provisions of the 1948 Editions of B.S.449 and B.S. Code of Practice C.P.114 which replace those of a previous decade. The progress reflected in these documents is reviewed in the light of their contribution to steel economy and a comparison is made of the steel required for a number of alternative structural examples. Brief consideration is given to some aspects which require clarification or further research and to the direction of future advances. L.R. Creasy