The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

The examinations of the Institution will next be held at Centres in the United Kingdom and in South Africa on the 11th and 12th January, 1949 (Graduateship), and the 13th and 14th January (Associate-Membership).

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT (Mr. F. S. Snow, M.I.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Struct.E.), introduced the author, who said the building described was designed before the war and the construction was commenced before the war; it could not be claimed, therefore, that it represented the last word in structural design. For that reason the paper treated the subject non-technically and aimed to give a description of the actual construction which had taken place so far.

The Structural Engineer

The science of soil mechanics has two distinct branches: (I). The analysis, control and treatment of soils which are to be used as constructional materials. (II). The investigation of the properties and behaviour of the soil in its natural position in the ground. Gower B.R. Pimm

The Structural Engineer

Mr. Lawson Scott-White, who on the 14th October will take office as President of the Institution of Structural Engineers for the Session 1948-1949, comes from a part of the country which has bred many eminent engineers. He was born at Bristol on the 9th December, 1891, and spent his early years at Bath, being educated at Bath College.

The Structural Engineer

Mr. L. E. KENT (Member of Council), proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the authors for their paper, and congratulated them on the immense amount of detailed work they must have done in order to achieve the results they had published and on the immense amount of time they must have devoted to their research.